Mon-Fri : 7:00AM - 07:00PM
Sat : 7:00AM to 01:00PM
Sun : 7:00AM to 12:00Noon


Gum disease, also known as 'periodontal disease', is a bacterial infection of the gums and tissues ('periodontium') that support your teeth. It is mostly caused by the build-up of plaque and tartar when oral hygiene is poor. Sometimes, gum disease is 'silent' and may not be accompanied by pain. However, bleeding gums, loose teeth, teeth that suddenly do not fit right, and bad breath could be warning signs of gum disease. People with diabetes and those on steroids and anti-epileptic drugs are prone to gum disorders and should have regular visits with their dentist to maintain an oral hygiene regimen. Periodontists are professionals who have an additional three years of education after basic dentistry and specialize in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of gum disease. They also perform dental implant surgery and cosmetic periodontal procedures. They become the first line approach in managing oral hygiene issues.