Vaccines prevent diseases that can be very serious. Childhood vaccination protects against several infections. But adult too need vaccines as boosters to help protect against infections associated with aging. The vaccines recommended for you are based on age, health condition, job, lifestyle, or travel habits.
- Pneumococcal: All adults 65 years or older should get PCV13 (Conjugate) first followed by PPSV23 (Polysaccharide). Adults below the age of 65 should take the Pneumonia vaccine if they have the following problems: Weakened immune system , HIV ,absence of spleen or spleen does not work well , Heart disease , Chronic lung disease (for example COPD or Asthma), Diabetes: Type 1 or Type 2 , Chronic kidney disease or kidney failure, Chronic liver disease, Chronic alcoholism.
- Influenza: Every year during flu season (starts from September), especially for pregnant women and health care workers.
- Tdap: One time, no matter when you got your last tetanus (Td) vaccine. Pregnant women also need Tdap vaccine during third trimester of every pregnancy.
- Td: Booster every 10 years.
- Shingles (Zoster): Adults 50 and older, including adults who have had shingles or got the previous shingles vaccine (Zostavax). Two doses, 2 to 6 months apart (Shingrix)
- Human papillomavirus (HPV): Females aged 10 to 26 need to take this vaccine. One time series of two or three doses.
- Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR): Two doses after the first year of life, one month apart. Special cases, such as college students, healthcare professionals, should get two doses. This is a live vaccine and should not be given to pregnant women or people who have a very weakened immune system.
- Chickenpox (Varicella): One time series of two doses.This is a live vaccines should not be given to pregnant women or people who have a very weakened immune system,that includes people with HIV infection and a CD4 count less than 200
- Hepatitis A:Two doses 6 -12 months apart
- Hepatitis B: Three doses, 0/ one month /6th month, especially for diabetic people with chronic kidney or liver diseases and healthcare workers.
For further details please contact the 'Vaccine Counselor' at the 'Capstone Clinic'.